Всем привет, тестирую свой сервер java сборка l2open_kernon, птс не надо т.к хочу на компе запустить со знакомыми поиграть и так кто зайдет. Но при тесте столкнулся с проблемой, сертификация не работает,у нпц жмешь изучение скила и ошибка, в датнике тоже есть эта ошибка на скрипт. Сразу говорю что со скриптами и ядрами не знаком, но если объясните то совсем справлюсь, в интернете искал и так и не нашел информации как разобраться с этой ошибкой. Сама ошибка
Error on: C:\Users\Cruze\Desktop\serv\Game\data\scripts\custom\SubClassSkills\SubClassSkills.java.error.log
Line: -1 - Column: -1
compilation failed
Ошибка в датнике
ments (String, String)
10. ERROR in \SagasSuperClass.java (at line 512)
AutoChat(npc, Text[15].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the argu
ments (String, String)
11. ERROR in \SagasSuperClass.java (at line 519)
AutoChat(npc, Text[7].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the argu
ments (String, String)
12. ERROR in \SagasSuperClass.java (at line 527)
AutoChat(npc, Text[8].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the argu
ments (String, String)
13. ERROR in \SagasSuperClass.java (at line 537)
AutoChat(npc, Text[9].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the argu
ments (String, String)
14. ERROR in \SagasSuperClass.java (at line 539)
AutoChat(npc, Text[10].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the argu
ments (String, String)
15. ERROR in \SagasSuperClass.java (at line 550)
AutoChat(npc, Text[11].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the argu
ments (String, String)
16. ERROR in \SagasSuperClass.java (at line 552)
AutoChat(npc, Text[12].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the argu
ments (String, String)
17. ERROR in \SagasSuperClass.java (at line 808)
AutoChat(npc, Text[16].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the argu
ments (String, String)
18. ERROR in \SagasSuperClass.java (at line 812)
AutoChat(npc, Text[17].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the argu
ments (String, String)
19. ERROR in \SagasSuperClass.java (at line 822)
AutoChat(npc, Text[5].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the argu
ments (String, String)
20. ERROR in \SagasSuperClass.java (at line 847)
AutoChat(npc, Text[5].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the argu
ments (String, String)
21. ERROR in \SagasSuperClass.java (at line 910)
AutoChat(npc, Text[4].replace("PLAYERNAME", st1.getPlayer().getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the argu
ments (String, String)
22. ERROR in \SagasSuperClass.java (at line 954)
AutoChat(npc, Text[12].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the argu
ments (String, String)
23. ERROR in \SagasSuperClass.java (at line 970)
AutoChat(npc, Text[4].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the argu
ments (String, String)
24. ERROR in \SagasSuperClass.java (at line 977)
AutoChat(npc, Text[5].replace("PLAYERNAME", player.getName()));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the argu
ments (String, String)
24 problems (24 errors)Syntax error on token "sys", ; expected after this token
The import sys cannot be resolved
The type java.lang.CharSequence cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced
from required .class files
The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo
r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo
r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo
r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo
r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo
r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo
r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo
r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo
r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo
r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo
r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo
r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo
r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo
r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo
r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo
r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo
r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo
r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo
r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo
r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo
r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo
r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
23 ьрЁ 11:11:52: [WARNING] Failed executing script: C:\Users\Cruze\Desktop\serv\
Game\data\scripts\quests\SagasScripts\SagasSuperClass.java. See SagasSuperClass.
java.error.log for details.
Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
1. ERROR in \SubClassSkills.java (at line 2)
import sys
Syntax error on token "sys", ; expected after this token
2. ERROR in \SubClassSkills.java (at line 2)
import sys
The import sys cannot be resolved
3. ERROR in \SubClassSkills.java (at line 242)
int skillId = Integer.valueOf(qvar.replace(";", ""));
The type java.lang.CharSequence cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced
from required .class files
4. ERROR in \SubClassSkills.java (at line 242)
int skillId = Integer.valueOf(qvar.replace(";", ""));
The method replace(char, char) in the type String is not applicable for the argu
ments (String, String)
4 problems (4 errors)Syntax error on token "sys", ; expected after this token
The import sys cannot be resolved
The type java.lang.CharSequence cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced
from required .class files
The method replace(char, char) in the type java.lang.String is not applicable fo
r the arguments (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
23 ьрЁ 11:11:57: [WARNING] Failed executing script: C:\Users\Cruze\Desktop\serv\
Game\data\scripts\custom\SubClassSkills\SubClassSkills.java. See SubClassSkills.
java.error.log for details.
Sub Skill Learner Loaded!
23 ьрЁ 11:11:57: [INFO] HellboundManager: Initializing
23 ьрЁ 11:11:57: [INFO] HellboundManager: Current Level - 0
23 ьрЁ 11:11:57: [INFO] HellboundManager: Current Trust - 0
Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] Compiled Scripts Cache is disabled.
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] Loaded: 558 quests
=================================================-[ Faenor ]
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] RaidBossSpawnManager: Loaded 185 Instances
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] RaidBossSpawnManager: Scheduled 0 Instances
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] GrandBossManager: Initialized 11 Grand Boss Zones
================================================-[ Economy ]
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] Initializing CastleManorManager
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] Manor System: Manor period approve updated
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] Manor System: New Schedule for period approve @ Sun Mar
24 06:00:59 GMT+03:00 2019
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] ManorManager: Loaded 256 seeds
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] Initializing AuctionManager
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] Loaded: 38 auction(s)
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] ItemMarketTable: Loaded: 0 market item(s).
===============================================-[ Olympiad ]
========================================-[ DimensionalRift ]
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 7 room types with 56 room
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] DimensionalRiftManager: Loaded 462 dimensional rift spaw
ns, 0 errors.
=========================================-[ FourSepulchers ]
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] FourSepulchersManager: loaded 20 Mysterious-Box spawns.
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] FourSepulchersManager: loaded 716 Physical type monsters
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] FourSepulchersManager: loaded 716 Magical type monsters
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] FourSepulchersManager: loaded 92 Church of duke monsters
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] FourSepulchersManager: loaded 68 Emperor's grave NPC spa
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] FourSepulchersManager: spawned Conquerors' Sepulcher Man
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] FourSepulchersManager: spawned Emperors' Sepulcher Manag
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] FourSepulchersManager: spawned Great Sages' Sepulcher Ma
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] FourSepulchersManager: spawned Judges' Sepulcher Manager
23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [INFO] FourSepulchersManager: Beginning in Attack time
=============================================-[ Extensions ]23 ьрЁ 11:11:59: [IN
FO] Sat Mar 23 11:11:59 GMT+03:00 2019 Atk announce scheduled to 15.0 minute of
this hour.
public String onAcquireSkillList(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player)
AcquireSkillList asl = new AcquireSkillList(AcquireSkillList.SkillType.unk4);
QuestState st = player.getQuestState(QN);
L2Skill[] oldSkills = player.getAllSkills();
int count = 0;
for (int i : SKILLITEMS)
if (st.getQuestItemsCount(i) > 0)
for (int[] subsk : SUBSKILLS)
if (i == subsk[0])
for (int j = 1; j < subsk.length; j++)
int minLevel = 0;
int maxLevel = SkillTable.getInstance().getMaxLevel(subsk[j], 1);
for (L2Skill oldsk : oldSkills)
if (oldsk.getId() == subsk[j])
minLevel = oldsk.getLevel();
if (minLevel < maxLevel)
count += 1;
asl.addSkill(subsk[j], minLevel + 1, maxLevel, 0, 0);
if (count == 0)
player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.NO_MORE_SKILLS_TO_LEARN));
return "";
public String onAcquireSkill(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player, L2Skill skill)
if (player.isSubClassActive())
player.sendMessage("You are trying to learn skill that u can't..");
Util.handleIllegalPlayerAction(player, "Player " + player.getName() + " tried to learn skill that he can't!!!", Config.DEFAULT_PUNISH);
return "false";
QuestState st = player.getQuestState(QN);
for (int i : SKILLITEMS)
for (int[] subsk : SUBSKILLS)
if (i == subsk[0] && isIntInArray(skill.getId(), subsk))
for (int k = 0; k < QUESTVARSITEMSS.length; k++)
if (isIntInArray(i, QUESTVARSITEMSI[k]))
for (int j = 0; j < Config.MAX_SUBCLASS; j++)
String qvarName = QUESTVARSITEMSS[k] + (j + 1);
String qvar = st.getGlobalQuestVar(qvarName);
if (qvar.length() > 0 && !qvar.equals("0") && !qvar.endsWith(";"))
L2ItemInstance item = player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(i);
if (item != null)
player.destroyItem(QN, item.getObjectId(), 1l, player, false);
st.saveGlobalQuestVar(qvarName, skill.getId() + ";");
return "true";
player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.ITEM_MISSING_TO_LEARN_SKILL));
return "false";
public String onAcquireSkillInfo(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player, L2Skill skill)
AcquireSkillInfo asi = new AcquireSkillInfo(skill.getId(), skill.getLevel(), 0, 4);
for (int i : SKILLITEMS)
for (int[] subsk : SUBSKILLS)
if (i == subsk[0] && isIntInArray(skill.getId(), subsk))
asi.addRequirement(99, i, 1, 50);
return "";
public String onAdvEvent(String event, L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player)
String htmltext = event;
QuestState st = player.getQuestState(QN);
if ("learn".equals(event))
htmltext = "";
if (player.isSubClassActive())
htmltext = "8005-04.htm";
int j = 0;
for (int i : SKILLITEMS)
j += st.getQuestItemsCount(i);
if (j > 0)
onAcquireSkillList(npc, player);
htmltext = "8005-04.htm";
else if ("cancel".equals(event))
if (st.getQuestItemsCount(57) < 10000000)
htmltext = "8005-07.htm";
else if (player.getSubClasses().size() == 0)
htmltext = "8005-03.htm";
else if (player.isSubClassActive())
htmltext = "8005-04.htm";
int activeCertifications = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < QUESTVARSITEMSS.length; k++)
for (int i = 0; i < Config.MAX_SUBCLASS; i++)
String qvarName = QUESTVARSITEMSS[k] + (i + 1);
String qvar = st.getGlobalQuestVar(qvarName);
if (qvar.endsWith(";") || (qvar.length() > 0 && !qvar.equals("0")))
if (activeCertifications == 0)
htmltext = "8005-08.htm";
for (int k = 0; k < QUESTVARSITEMSS.length; k++)
for (int i = 0; i < Config.MAX_SUBCLASS; i++)
String qvarName = QUESTVARSITEMSS[k] + (i + 1);
String qvar = st.getGlobalQuestVar(qvarName);
if (qvar.endsWith(";"))
int skillId = Integer.valueOf(qvar.replace(";", ""));
L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(skillId, 1);
if (skill != null)
st.saveGlobalQuestVar(qvarName, "0");
st.takeItems(57, 10000000);
htmltext = "8005-09.htm";
return htmltext;
public String onTalk(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player)
QuestState st = player.getQuestState(QN);
int npcId = npc.getNpcId();
if (npcId == NPC)
st.set("cond", "0");
return "8005-01.htm";
public static void main(String[] args)
new SubClassSkills();
Добавлено (24.03.2019, 03:10)